bitter mango
JoinedPosts by bitter mango
To censor or not to censor...
by Elsewhere inif [a writing] be false in its facts, disprove them; if false in its reasoning, refute it.
but, for god's sake, let us freely hear both sides, if we choose.
-thomas jefferson
Serious Fluff
by LuckyLucy inoxymoron: "a rhetorical figure in which an epigrammatic effect is created by the conjunction of incongruous or contradictory terms" .
my favorites are.... religious tolerance.
unbiased opinion.
bitter mango
Awfully Good
Jumbo Shrimp
Short Distance
Clearly Confusing
Small Crowd
Pretty Ugly
Freezer Burn
Old News
Silent Scream
Acid Rain
Act Naturally
Civil War
Good Grief
Same Difference
Smart Ass
Legally Drunk
Wireless cable
Taped Live
Sure Bet
by blackrose inhello, i am new to this board in a way.
i have been reading messages for about a month now and just got the nerve up to register an account so i can give my "two cents" once in a while.
i was raised a jw, but just recently expressed openly that i do not have plans on associating with them any longer.. anyways, not going to type my story out right now, as i do not know if any one wants to hear it.
bitter mango
and welcome to you too cicatrix !!
Nitpickin' Moaners
by invisible inever since i came to this board i have been constantly amazed at the great propensity for bickering and moaning in this place by a certain minority of posters who might know better, you're so politically correct some of you.
you ruddy do me head in sometimes, i don't know what it is, maybe you think you are being clever, but it always seems to be the same ones that make the same disparaging remarks over and over again, not clever, just exceedingly boring.. so what if some posters get up your nose, what the blinkin' hec does it matter?
you know is attacked over and over again here, so is janh plus one or two others, so ruddy what?
bitter mango
*moans* <---- feel free to take that any way you wish
My cat--Need Your Help in Naming Her
by patio34 ini have a new cat.
a smallish young adult (1-2 years old) female, with black & gold back and white chest, belly and feet.
i can't come up with a name i like.
bitter mango
hah! don't ever ask me to help name anything!! my cat has gone from harley, to harley-cakes, to huckleberry, to hucky, to huck, to charles, to chucky, to chuck, to chuck-em-ups, to chuckles. poor thing doesn't know if she's coming or going anymore.
A question
by sundialer inis it possible to love and be in love with two people at the same time?
bitter mango
sun, i understand how you feel. ask anyone on this board who knows me well, i have been in the most outrageous of relationships . i know hurt, pain, and the most off emotions. i know extacy, happiness, and the most incredible emotions. and i certainly know what it's like to bounce back and fourth between them all and even feel them at the same time. it's confusing. i appreciate that you could come here and open up, and express these things to us.
as far as the online love... if you have the chance to meet her at any point, please do. you may find that the feelings you had for her would change. i only say this because i've done the whole meeting someone online thing before, and many others here have as well and after discussions about it most of the time the person you know online is very different from the person you meet in real life. it's not always true, but from what i've seen, it's quite common. this is a good artical (just for interest sake)...http://www.salon.com/mwt/feature/20...ting/index.html. posted by peaceloveharmony on another forum. interesting quote from the artical..
Like reading a book and then seeing the movie, you don't realize how much you've already painted a picture in your head until you see someone else's vision on the screen. Similarly, it's tough to know how much fantasy you're bringing to the table until you're sitting face to face, and you recognize suddenly that you'd ascribed a whole different set of verbal tics, affectations and gestures to the person in your mind without even knowing it.
didn't mean to turn the topic into another... just helping make a point that's been mentioned here more than once .
The smallest thing about the person can send you spiraling inward, thereby shutting you off from the experience. You felt sure, based on his e-mails, that he wasn't a mouth breather! It seemed obvious, given the flirtatious confidence with which she approached you online, that she didn't have a flabby ass!Edited by - bitter mango on 16 August 2002 20:0:1
Edited by - bitter mango on 16 August 2002 20:7:32
by Mary ineven though we were all raised with the firm doctrine that absolutely nothing happens to you after death, (except for those baptized before 1935 of course), does anyone here think that maybe something does happen after we die?
i've seen some programs about people that have reported having near death experiences.
while this doesn't offer proof, i find it very strange that one individual, during her nde, repeated a conversation she heard on an entirely different floor in the hospital while she was clinically dead.
bitter mango
incense, apparently you've not seen what's under those boxers ! teehee
Edited by - bitter mango on 16 August 2002 19:47:17
Married Guyz / Extramarital "Friendships&a...
by SPAZnik inok, so, like, what is the deal with married guys?.
one of the, uh, strange new things i've encountered since de-borg-ing.
is being like a magnet for one married guy afta anutha..... .
bitter mango
1) how sure are you that these men aren't "joking" around?? how far have you gotten to determine this? in my experience, sometimes it can seem like a married man isn't joking around when he says he wants to hook up with you and then by the time you have them in the position (for lack of a better phrase, lol) to actually do the deed, they won't. however, the fact that they let me get that far with them makes me wonder... oh my, i should mention that i'd never sleep with a man i knew was married!! but i have been stupid enough to "test" them.
2) if a married man can avoid you finding out he is married, he's not going to tell you, right? especially if he is just looking for a lay. unfortunately, i learned this the hard way! so, if you aren't aware a man is married, and he tells you he is married but still 'jokes' around about having sex with you, then is he really sincere in his requests? (not being sarcastic, i really want some opinions/thoughts here)
3) i went for drinks with some of my married pals from work the other night. i was the only lady present and they all flirted with me, i flirted back. in some cases i started it knowing they were married. it was innocent fun. i don't think flirting with other people while you have a 'significant other' is a bad thing. i think it's completely natural and i think that people who don't agree have jealousy issues. please don't anyone smack me
4) why is this thread only about men?? i know plenty of women who are more than willing and often do cheat on their lovers.
5) don't get married if you like to roam and prowl and have various sexual partners. there's nothing wrong with being with more than one person, just make arangements to have open relationships which all parties agree upon, or else avoid marriage all together if the person you are with would (or does - if they are aware and stupid enought to saty with you) consider your behavior "cheating", and please, always use a condom!
just some thoughts
by Mary ineven though we were all raised with the firm doctrine that absolutely nothing happens to you after death, (except for those baptized before 1935 of course), does anyone here think that maybe something does happen after we die?
i've seen some programs about people that have reported having near death experiences.
while this doesn't offer proof, i find it very strange that one individual, during her nde, repeated a conversation she heard on an entirely different floor in the hospital while she was clinically dead.
bitter mango
like most other topics, i'm open to suggestions and to changing my mind , and my thoughts on this subject vary day to day. but i stand firm in the belief that thinking these things over too much and spending a lot of time worrying or trying to find answers is pointless. we're never going to know if there is a god, if something spectacular happens when we die.. or something horrible, if there is something greater out there than us, some other worlds, etc. but it is interesting to think about from time to time. so, i'm not about the whole 'yes' or 'no' answers to these types of things. but i will say this... if there is something after death, i want to come back as naeblis' boxers !
A question
by sundialer inis it possible to love and be in love with two people at the same time?
bitter mango
i don't understand why someone who's recently gotten out of a "serious" relationship would dive into another one. sun, i know you're heart is hurting for the online love you lost, but this 'new' lady will be equally hurt if you're expressing deep feelings for her, yet have the same feelings for someone else.
then again what the hell do i know? i ended things a year ago with someone to get involved with a year long online realtionship with someone else. when that relationship "failed" i ended up back with the first guy who now 'has feelings' for some girl online.
i think my point is, i've walked in both sets of shoes. i've had to share and i've been shared. when you divide your heart between two people, or have to share someone's heart with another person things get messy and the entire group gets hurt.